Meyerson, L. A. and J. T. Cronin. 2013. Evidence for multiple introductions of Phragmites australis to North America: detection of a new non-native haplotype. Biological Invasions 12: 2605-2608.


We report the first conclusive evidence for multiple introductions of Phragmites australis in North America. Prior to our detection, invasion of North America by this macrophyte was thought to be limited to a single haplotype – haplotype M. However, we found two sites colonized by haplotype L1 in Quebec, Canada.  Because the invasion of North America by this species is ongoing, and there is evidence for intra- and interspecific hybridization and increased fecundity resulting from outcrossing, more attention should be paid to genetic differences of populations of introduced Phragmites across North America.

Keywords: Common reed, Haplotype M, Cp-DNA, Morphology, Homoplasy

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